Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The woman mom is about upping, and turning that up down. And the man dad is about downing, and turning that down up. Both are functionally benefitting at the expense of others which is perversion. the warpings that they have are not silver, and have a / in them that is bolt and not silver. They are an energy team which is negative negative and needs to be stopped. How I got here between them is a mystery. I didn't choose parents after reincarnation, and was shuffled these ones. They also are in a channeling chain of energies to emotional eaters, which just suck.

DNA organization. 12 strand dna, 12 helixes. pleideans. arcturans. earth vibration. lowell being patched up with my symbols to heal the northern MA area more quickly.

earth battle and reptilians winning a fight 300k years ago, say aliens. 300k bunches of piles ago.

even lust can be conquered. and check the gold of the intention of the people and things doing it. perversion is not always the case, thus either silver or not silver of the association.

earth and being healed of their sexual injuries, from the systems of emotional drainers stealing emotion energy, my Z, my silver, and our commerce. they are leaving and taking the commerce they can. that is false parallel, which produces yet again, not silver functions.


like this. it is not a real connection. it's a rope bridge not tied on with a big bunch of extra rope in a threatening shape.

the top of my brain and skull top is to be repaired. the woman mom has been associated with the not-top of the brain. gold above her. and above her birth.

i was being attacked by forces trying to gain energy from a 101. they don't get any real energy from a 101. that kind of perversion, gaining from others decline, is false. their presumptions are false. false parallel is a thing not to be.

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